Chapter 78: A Glimpse

Durin wanted to try the Paper Manipulation Technique, but he didn't have any free time throughout the day. At the academy, Durin faced the curiosity of his upperclassmen, spending the entire two and a half hours of lunch break amidst the older group's curiosity and questions.

The only piece of good news was that Anta's magic pet appeared before Durin—this meant that she had already arrived in the nearby area, as magic pets delivering messages have a distance limit, and they couldn't deliver if it was too far.

Indeed, the magic pet brought a message from Anta; she was staying at an inn and should be able to board a ship tomorrow, arriving in Copenhagen at the latest the day after tomorrow.

"I took an extra week off to come to keep you company, how are you going to thank me?"

Anta asked Durin this in her letter.

Durin smiled and wrote a reply, handing the letter back to the magic pet to take to her.

As for the content, it was simple.

"I'll use myself to thank you."