Chapter 133: Merciful Broken Sun

Stepping out of the carriage, Durin looked at the small building in front of him. Was this the home of Professor Jason Cain and Jack Renard?

From his sister, Durin had heard the story of Jack Renard and Jason Cain.

In the story, Mr. Jason's fiancee had died young, and he never loved another in his life. He found Jack in the swaddling clothes of a dying refugee couple and raised the baby himself.

Jack was intelligent and eager to learn. Although a Crite, he was profoundly knowledgeable, having been taught well by Professor Jason.

Unfortunately, fate is merciless.

"Why isn't Professor Jason at home? There must be a problem. I have a key, Jack gave it to me," Yelena said as she selected a key from the bunch at her chest. As she opened the door, Durin pulled her away from the entrance.

"Why is there so much smoke?" Durin held on to his sister's hand with one hand and the other on his holster.