Chapter 141: A Long-Awaited Match

Old Yishu still couldn't put his mind at ease.

He quietly slipped out of the Circle, pulled up his hood, and wandered around the alleys for a while before finally locating the academy's main gate.

"I'll just take a look. Even if my dear grandson gets beaten, I won't step in."

After admonishing himself, Old Yishu briskly made his way to the gate where Old Enrique was leaning on the fence on the second-floor balcony of the guardhouse, smoking. He stealthily approached—truly too frightened to go any closer to the three-layered crowd around the duel.

Ailish's Old Yishu just couldn't bear to see his grandson with a blue and swollen face.

"I knew you wouldn't last, you old codger. Here, have one. Your grandson had these lung-cleansing cigars made by the Druid. Even an old smoker like me thinks they're good," Old Enrique said with a laugh as he opened the cigarette case in his hand.