Chapter 198: Someone Remembers

Durin didn't sleep all night.

Lina, the young dragoness, also stayed awake with him.

She would fly out from time to time, and then fly back in again. During the darkest time before dawn, Durin couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and asked why.

"Because I'm the strongest, Anta said she took Irene and left, everyone else was busy, and Melinda is a foolish girl who doesn't know how to comfort people, so they asked me to take care of you," Lina sat on the balcony railing, her golden eyes so conspicuous in the night.

"Lina, what do you think my father was like as a person?" Durin asked this question.

"A martyr. I just went downstairs, and that's what everyone was saying,"

Durin sat up from the recliner at Lina's reply, "Are there people downstairs?"

"Yes, quite a few. Some people arrived as early as four o'clock,"

"Let's go downstairs and take a look."