Chapter 10.5: Alice Idar I

After saying goodbye to Durin, Alice took her cousin Astrid to the pet district.

Alice had known Astrid since she was very young, when Astrid had just awakened the ability now referred to by Durin as Spiritual Energy, allowing her to read the thoughts of people before her.

At first, it was not a big deal since nobody knew about it.

But as Astrid grew older, her parents sacrificed themselves in the battle at the front lines, and Alice's cousin became withdrawn.

She rarely spoke to outsiders and always clutched her books, speaking only to her grandfather and family members as close as Alice.

Alice still remembers one day when she took Astrid to a gathering.

There was a girl who, perhaps resentful that Astrid had taken her place at the banquet, called Astrid a freak.

Then Astrid lost control. She floated up, and the girl, screaming, leaped out from the second floor.