Chapter 57: A Different Seven Hills

Astrid found life at the Summer Night Palace dreadfully dull.

As a younger aunt, she faced over a dozen of older nephews and nieces, half of whom were older than her by a generation, and half of the remaining half were several years her senior, while the last quarter were of the same age as her, albeit the youngest being two weeks older than her.

She was truly an aunt of steel.

However, today, after the Royal Messenger who had been serving her brought back Mr. Durin's response letter, life became completely different.

First, she learned the reason Mr. Durin could not come—someone dared to challenge his authority. Astrid ardently hoped that Mr. Durin would win this battle.

To smack the challenger's face with the harsh truth.

Then, she saw the sealed Demon Crystal.

Durin said it was a trailer!

Astrid picked it up and raced towards her younger niece's boudoir.