Chapter 151: On the first day, I am your fifteen!

Hack was awoken by the urgent knocking on the door, having spent the previous day attending to government affairs in his study, he rose to open the door and saw his wife, "Shouldn't you still be in Marseille on a visit today?"

"The Feroz Bozo family has just been found dead, including the two daughters who were married off," his wife said with a look of tension, "My God, do you know how desperate I felt when I couldn't knock the door open? I thought you had been assassinated as well."

Hack, with a helpless expression, embraced his wife, "Don't worry, here I am, all right. You, a Sword Saint and the mother of several children, what haven't you experienced? How can you be so frightened?"

"Their entire family was skinned," Gala said with a tense face.

"Ah?" Hack was somewhat puzzled, "Who is the killer, any clues?"