Chapter 87: Illuminate Me with Fire

In the third Manor, Durin even found a teacher there,

a young man from the North who taught the children in the Manor to write their names every evening.

Northern Doctrine had already checked his background, nothing to worry about—just an ordinary young man, who had been exposed to the Northern Doctrine during his school years, and then had to flee south after ending up on the blacklist of Building B in the school struggles of previous years.

Durin encouraged the young man and learned his name.

Mays Phelps.

A very ordinary-sounding name.


"Sir, what do you think of this young man?" the Northern Doctrine's representative in the Manor asked Durin as he was leaving, on the road outside the Manor.

"What aspect are you referring to?" Durin asked with a smile.

"All aspects." The representative seemed aged; his beard was half-gray, and he was balding, with drooping eyelids that didn't move at all—a clear sign of lingering effects from a stroke that had been cured.