Volume 1: The Demon King and the Gold Toilet


Regular knocking sounds came from a distant unknown, much like the primal thunder.

Thus, consciousness began to sprout gradually from the chaos.

Immediately after, that weak consciousness cautiously stretched out its tentacles in the darkness, thoughts muddled, as if a drunk blind man was groping around in bewilderment.

Who am I?

The mind was empty, memories thinning, and yet this question appeared like a fish swimming beneath a layer of clear ice, every scale distinctly visible.

Where am I?

It tried to open its eyes, but the signals of thought aimlessly wandered in the body, unable to find the existence of "eyes." Instead, the sensation of sound and vibration was clear, mysterious, and void-like from afar, rhythmic and seemingly guiding it.

So, almost instinctively, it moved slightly.

"...At last, there's a reaction."

Unlike the regular knocking sounds, another slightly more complex voice came through. The organ of thought was slowly churning, the incoming voice waxing and waning, but gradually became clear, and she deciphered its meaning.

"...Have you awakened?"

It was a gentle female voice, speaking to her.

"Listen well, child. You are cultivated based on my own memories and personality as a blueprint. From this point of view, I am both your Creator and can be considered your mother..."

Blueprint? Cultivation? What does that mean?

"Naming is both a constraint and a blessing, it will enhance your intelligence while controlling your wildness. My name is Ruby, Ruby. Walsh, so you shall be called... Ybur."


This is my, name...

It formed this thought in its confused mind. Then, in that instant, as if a beam of light penetrated the boundless darkness, what had been a somewhat chaotic line of thought suddenly became clear. Right after, it realized that it could see.

It saw a woman in a purple robe standing before it.

The woman had impressive wine-red hair, long and thick, becoming more vivid towards the ends, as if ablaze. She had a perfectly curved oval face, with bangs that covered her forehead, willow-leaf eyebrows, deep and bright lake blue eyes that revealed a near-obsessive determination. Below her eyes, a long and straight nose, and almost sensuous, full red lips.

But why did she look so tall? As if her head was bigger than my entire body...

No, it's my body that's too small.

The moment this thought crossed its mind, Ybur realized that it appeared to be held within a small, hemispherical container, separated from the woman by a layer of glass. Using the reflection on the glass, it could faintly see its own form—

A black, semi-transparent, gelatinous substance.

Commonly known as Slime, scientifically called a mud-shaped monster.

...Wait, this is me???

Ybur was somewhat bewildered. For a moment, it felt like it ought to have been human.

"Racially speaking, you should be a Slime. But you are different from those blind monsters."

Ruby looked at it tenderly and spoke, "You have wisdom and a spirit. Do you know what that means? You can meditate, you can enter the path of dreams just like all other intelligent races to enhance yourself. Moreover, your body is highly malleable... Hehe, that's because I added a drop of Immortal Elixir when I made you! Do you know what that is? It's the blood that flows from gods when they fall!!"

In Ruby's eyes, a fiery frenzy gradually ignited: "You will be an unprecedented, unique existence, surely able to fulfill my desire—"

"Become a Demon King, and then go fuck up this shitty world!!"


Ybur felt bewildered again.

What are you talking about?


What Immortal Elixir?

What Demon King??

Just as Ruby was about to speak again, a violent explosion suddenly came from outside. Immediately after, everything started shaking violently, and a voice came from outside:

"Walsh!! You've been caught conducting illegal magical creature experiments and dangerously tampering with the steam tower, the evidence is conclusive, and you are now surrounded by the Special Duties Bureau. I advise you not to resist and to surrender peacefully, or else, we will take forceful measures!"

A loud voice reached them from the distance, backgrounded by mechanical roars:

"The countdown begins now! Ten——"

"Damn it, those Special Duties Bureau dogs are quick!"

Ruby's image as a kind big sister instantly shattered as she slammed the table in frustration: "Luckily, I was prepared!"

She grabbed a Magic Wand from beside her. The wand was made from twisted ebony, covered in Runes, and topped with a cat's eye gem. Just as Ybur thought she was going to cast some powerful Spell, Ruby swung the wand in a full circle and then smashed it down!

With a clang, the glass container holding Ybur shattered. Ruby, ignoring the shards of glass, scooped Ybur up and tucked him into her bosom, "Hmph, talk about Luck, my experiment was completed just in the nick of time!"

"...Six, five, four..."

The steady voice of the countdown came from outside as Ruby ran holding Ybur, then kicked open a door: "I can't escape, but you can! Hahaha, I thought of this when I chose the Slime as the design model; this is the escape route I specifically prepared for you!"

Ybur glanced around and saw a golden object in the room that had been forcibly opened, made of a semi-oval shape large enough for a person to sit on, complete with a seat ring and a lid, and even a water tank...

...Wait a second, is that a toilet?

Is that a toilet??!

A bad feeling suddenly rose in Ybur's heart, This is your escape route??!

No, please!!!

Ybur felt his Spirit screaming. He hadn't found his speaking organs yet and thus couldn't make a sound, but at that moment, his frenzied, mutable body fully reflected the Despair and chaos within. He desperately tried to jump out of Ruby's embrace but she gripped him firmly with one hand.

"Heh, in keeping with the dignity of a future Demon King, I even plated the toilet with a layer of Gold!"

Ruby said excitedly: "How about that, isn't it cool?! This is a golden toilet, you know!"

Cool my ass, what on earth is the connection between a golden toilet and the Demon King!! Your taste is so tacky!!


The countdown was nearing its end, and Ruby strode toward the toilet: "I know you don't wish to leave me, but this is necessary!"

I'm not reluctant to leave you! Let go of me! Did you hear me? Let! Go! Ah!!!!!!!

"Remember, become the Demon King and then avenge me!"

No, don't make it so tragically heroic! What Demon King gets flushed down the toilet right after being born!

Ruby, I'll remember you!!

Just you wait! The first one I'll finish off is you ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!



Ybur was thrown by Ruby into the toilet. Amidst his desperate and furious struggle, Ruby pressed the flush button.


The future Demon King was flushed away by the toilet.