Chapter 5: God Secret Source

Ybur stared in astonishment at the golden light floating before him—it looked less like "blood" and more like the Mysterious Source described in his memories... Perhaps, should it be called the "God Secret Source"?

The amazement in Ybur's heart began to intensify, spreading like ink in water.

Neither the Survival Guide nor the memories that Ruby had infused into him mentioned anything about the Heart, Body, and Spirit Secret Sources, let alone something like the "God Secret Source"—well, to be precise, whether this thing should be called the God Secret Source was another matter, since that was a name Ybur came up with himself. But in any case, there was absolutely no mention of this glittering "God Secret Source" in the knowledge Ybur had obtained so far, not even in the Survival Guide.

No, Ruby, you've written a beginner's guide and even included a dictionary of swear words, so how come you didn't write about the key part?

Ybur curiously poked at the golden light floating in the air, feeling as if it was vaguely responding to him, its interior harboring a force, yet he did not know how to safely channel this power out.

Although the Mysterious Source could only be condensed after entering the Dream Realm through meditation, even upon returning to the Awake World, the condensed Mysterious Source could still be used—it wasn't something useless except for Advancement.

The Mysterious Source symbolized the refined essence of the Body, Heart, and Spirit elements, and the simplest way to use it was to absorb it directly like an Elixir to replenish one's strength... The Body Secret Source could restore physical strength and accelerate wound healing, and similarly, the Heart and Spirit Secret Sources had corresponding restorative effects.

Then, in the same way, "God Secret Source" must also have its use.

Upon reflection, although the God Secret Source wasn't mentioned, Ruby did indeed reference "Immortal Elixir" in the book.

The Immortal Elixir is Divine Blood, but Divine Blood cannot be directly equated with the Immortal Elixir—only the blood that flows from a fallen deity can become "Immortal Elixir."

It's more of a monstrous entity formed from blood, rather than simply blood itself.

Deities possess an immortal nature and under normal circumstances could never fall, but under certain special conditions, a deity's immortality could cease to function, consciousness could collapse, divinity could fade, but the lingering immortality would still remain within the divine body and blood. Over time, the highly active Divine Blood would gradually revive and culminate into what is known as the Immortal Elixir.

Although deities themselves can be benevolent or malevolent, almost all Immortal Elixirs are evil monsters due to the pain of their downfall remaining in the blood, thus harboring hatred for everything in the world.

These Immortal Elixirs can take myriad forms with no fixed shape and possess extremely strong Mental Control abilities, adept at corrupting, dominating, charming, and controlling, with control extending even from the mind to the body. A creature completely controlled by an Immortal Elixir would melt into a liquid similar to the Immortal Elixir and could transform at will under its manipulation.

Furthermore, Immortal Elixirs often retain some of the divine powers of the deities before their fall.

Ruby had explicitly mentioned that when creating Ybur, what was added was the "Immortal Elixir"... So, could it be that Ruby managed to erase the mad consciousness of the Immortal Elixir and used it as a pure material, or is Ybur the consciousness that was born from the Immortal Elixir?

Ybur immediately felt incredibly awesome.

Round it up, and I'm practically a reincarnated deity!

Self-confidence, self-confidence started to bubble up incessantly!!

With such thoughts, Ybur felt his small spiritual body begin to transform, like a cosmos at the dawn of time, where different elements started to be categorized, the light ascending and the heavy descending.

The three elements began to naturally separate, with something light and gentle rising up like a wisp of smoke, and the heavy elements falling downwards. Among these, the most prominent was an intensely fiery and unrestrained power, like blood or a surging wave, converging toward the location of his heart.

A warmth spread in Ybur's chest, and something condensed out from his chest area.

Heart Secret Source!

It was a blood-red light spot, throbbing slowly like a heart.

...What have I done, how did I suddenly condense a Secret Source out of nowhere?

Ybur pondered thoughtfully.

Heart, representing change and passion. The Heart Secret Source is therefore easily influenced by emotions. Perhaps just now, in a burst of high spirits, the Heart Secret Source naturally sprang forth.


Ybur was slightly confused.

He was born into this world, and his Creator, Ruby, was unable to speak much with him before throwing him into a toilet... No, no, better not to think about the toilet incident. In any event, Ruby left Ybur with a heap of questions and a very vague directive—to become a Demon King? Ybur wasn't particularly motivated by this bizarre goal, but he also didn't know what else he should do.

Ybur cast his gaze across the boundless Shallow Sea, his small figure reflected on the surface; the vastness of the sea mirrored the perplexity in his heart.

Forget it, no need to overthink; better to keep an eye on the God Secret Source in front of him.

Ybur continued to muse.

Deities were towering existences above the Dream Realm, unified in body and spirit, without distinction between matter and soul. Therefore, the "God Secret Source" before him could very well be the Immortal Elixir itself, or at least something condensed from the Immortal Elixir.

Then, if he could fully master the God Secret Source, he should also be able to uncover the inherent abilities of the Immortal Elixir itself.

Shapeshifting, Mental Control, divine authority.

But how exactly should this thing be used...

Ybur pondered, patiently trying to stimulate it with his mental power. Although initially there were no results, his state of mind unconsciously aligned with the focused and deep exploration needed to condense Mysterious Sources. As time passed, the Mysterious Sources within his body began to gradually gather.

A heavy force was slowly descending, piling up, and finally at the lower abdomen of Ybur, a khaki-colored Body Secret Source congealed.

Afterward, lighter elements within him began to rise gently, reaching the position of his brow, and then slowly coalesced.

That was an almost pure white speck of light. Clear, ethereal, flawless.

Spirit Secret Source.

But three Secret Sources were not enough. To push open the first gate of the Spiritual Brilliance Pathway, six Secret Sources were needed.

The initial six Secret Sources, varying in proportion of body, heart, and spirit, would open different pathways. For example, Ruby, according to the memories in Ybur's mind, belonged to the Spiritual Brilliance Pathway, which primarily focused on the spirit. To open it, three Spirit Secret Sources were needed, two Heart Secret Sources, and one Body Secret Source.

Ybur continued to ponder when he suddenly felt a slight dizziness, as if he had the illusion of "dissolving"—

Eight hours were almost up.

He couldn't stay in the Dream Realm any longer!

Therefore, Ybur immediately interrupted his meditation, adjusting his state, and let his body fall backwards, the sensation of losing weight during the fall instantly awakened him.

His consciousness plunged straight into the jelly-like body.


The body of Ybur the Slime shook, using its tentacles to sweep away the gravel on itself, and slowly crawled out of its hiding spot.

The fungi and insects in its stomach had almost been digested, which made it seem to have grown a bit larger. The pit that previously accommodated its body with ease now seemed a tad small. It was growing rapidly, as if starving.

Ybur then felt the Secret Sources within his body.

Body, heart, and spirit, the three Secret Sources were each well-positioned within the corners of his mind; usually imperceptible, but whenever he concentrated, the power of the Secret Sources would be mobilized instantly.

As for the golden God Secret Source... it could also be sensed. As soon as Ybur visualized it, the golden light and shadow immediately appeared in his mind.

However, compared to the other three Secret Sources, which felt connected by blood and as easy to command as his own limbs, the God Secret Source seemed somewhat unresponsive, indifferent to him, and he hadn't figured out its use yet.

Ybur quickly said in his mind, "Sherry, Sherry, I have a question."

Sherry didn't respond to him.

Ybur said in shock, "Sherry, are you dead?"

"Damn it, it's you who's dead!"

Sherry immediately jumped out, her voice buzzing inside Ybur's jelly-like body, "Can you be a bit more formal and courteous the next time you wake me up? The incantation is: Hello, Sherry."

"Never mind that, Sherry, help me analyze what the God Secret Source is," Ybur humbly asked for advice.

"What God Secret Source? There's no such thing! Are you confused, you slime?" Sherry retorted rudely.

Ybur thought for a moment, "I feel there is."

"I think you're sick."

"Then what is this lump of golden brightness I condensed while meditating?"

Sherry said smugly, "How would I know, it's not in the book!"

"If it's not there, why are you still being smug!" Ybur exclaimed in astonishment, "You're useless, huh!"

"How dare you say that about me?!" Sherry's attack mode was on the verge of activation, "Just wait until I find my profanity handbook, then you'll realize your mistake—you just wait—"

"Then I'll use you as a shield next time," Ybur said.

It was a knockout blow.

Sherry suddenly tensed up, struggling for a while before retorting, "Just you wait! I'll make sure you keep waiting!"