Chapter 38 Ruby, you have committed an unforgivable sin!

Ybur crawled out of the lab, flinging its tentacles out.

A Corroding Beast was crawling aimlessly on the ground, gnawing at fungus, when suddenly it was snagged by one of those tentacles.

Then Ybur immediately enveloped the Corroding Beast with its stomach, cackling as it devoured it chaotically.

When millions of Corroding Beasts stuck together, they would form a monstrous creature, but this creature's reactions were sluggish. As it stealthily ate a few Corroding Beasts, they hardly reacted at all—especially since those it ate were the isolated ones around it.

So Ybur wasn't in a rush to leave.

The food here was plentiful enough; it might as well stay and eat for a few days.

Suddenly Sherry said, "Wait a minute, Ybur, did you happen to see what the escaped Slimes in the other room were?"

Ybur paused for a moment, "I didn't look. Should I go back and check?"

She asked again, "Did you think of something?"