Chapter 42 The Black Pudding Club

Karlo rubbed his eyes and looked up to see Jingguang floating down from the sky above. He was first stunned and then exclaimed with joy, "Is it you?!"

For a moment, Karlo didn't know whether he should be happy or afraid.

In the past few days, he hadn't had any strange dreams and was anxiously wondering if his actions of exorcising spirits in the church had offended this entity. Now that it had finally appeared again, Karlo felt a certain corner of his heart settle down.

"I told you we would meet again," Ybur said leisurely, "You've mastered meditation, which is good."

Karlo was a bit coy, "All thanks to your guidance... So, what exactly are you? Uh, I mean... what kind of being are you?"

He was clearly trying to speak more elegantly, but this way of speaking was so unfamiliar to him that he stumbled over his words.

Ybur thought to himself that it was a good question, and one that even he was pondering... With a show of profundity, he said, "It is not yet time for you to know."