Chapter 130 Holy Communion

After a round of introductions, the four set off towards Number Two Edge City.

... Of course, they still went through the sewers.

Ybur thought to himself how incredibly strange it was; just how interconnected were the sewers of Landon City, considering that no matter where they went, they always traveled through the sewers!

In any case, now that he could locate Karlo's leather armor from a distance, Ybur deliberately kept his distance to avoid detection, silently trailing them from hundreds of meters away.

"... In a sense, Xinlandon's sewers can be seen as a museum of the city's history,"

Clara said as they walked, "Every expansion of the city has left its mark in the sewers, as have the several earthquakes that occurred before. As we continue forward, we'll enter an abandoned district that was formed due to the impact of an earthquake."

Filled with curiosity, Karlo asked, "I'm a bit confused; were the sewers of Edge City and Xinlandon connected back in the day?"