Chapter 152 Exhilarating

"It's still running!"

Zhuoer roared, "Is that all you've got, these useless tricks?!"

"Shut up!" Arcado snapped back angrily, a rare occurrence, "All you do is bark orders, why don't you do something yourself?!"

Zhuoer sneered, "Do you really want to see what I can do?"

The shadow puppets quickly converged and then sank into the shadows, disappearing without a trace. But Ybur suddenly had a bad premonition, like a small fish swimming in the ocean and suddenly sensing the approach of a shark. Something seemed to be spreading in the surrounding shadows, something deeper than the darkness itself, like ink seeping into water and gradually diffusing.

"Stop... stop for a second..." Clara said in a crumbling voice inside of Ybur.