Chapter 106: The Whale King's Judgement

Nerida led her entourage swiftly through the palace to the Whale King's domain.

The Whale King showed no surprise at their arrival, merely observing Jawood calmly before beckoning with a slight gesture. The Spear instantly flew back into her hand, drawing a trail of blood. Jawood staggered, unable to keep herself from kneeling to the ground, gasping in pain.

In a soft voice, the Whale King said, "Jawood, the laws of Reef Island forbid fighting and killing one another. Not only did you break the rules by attacking Red Shark, but you also incited civil strife among the Sha Hua Fishmen, with countless dead or injured. Do you admit your guilt?"

Jawood's face was pale, but at that moment, she gathered her defiance and retorted, "If I had subdued Red Shark and captured Nerida and the others as hostages to force an uprising, you wouldn't be speaking to me like this! You question me now simply because I have lost!"