Chapter 123: Beware of Business Cards on Business Trips

After the flagship of the Baptism ceremony departed, the Second Prince and others at the Imperial Court who were affected gradually returned to normal. However, for the Second Prince who had painfully lost his claim to the throne, this might not be considered good news.

The battle for the throne came to an end in a way that no one had anticipated.

Ning Ruyue decided to return to the academy, and the Third Prince had no interest in the throne either. After discussion, the people at the Imperial Court decided there was no longer a need for a next Prime Monarch. This civilization would no longer be a dictatorship, nor would it be manipulated by corporations.

The arrival of the recommendation letter united everyone at the Imperial Court like never before, and joining the Sixteen Star Summit became their next primary goal.

During this period, a piece of bad news struck.

The bearer of the bad news was Da Jiang.