Chapter 224: The Place Where the Sun Doesn't Shine

Duan Mingyuan was a person who liked to pursue answers relentlessly. Whenever his curiosity was stirred, he would do everything in his power to uncover the truth, which helped him sleep peacefully every night thereafter.

Even if it occasionally required bypassing linguistic systems and directly viewing someone's heart and memory.

People can lie, but hearts and memories always refract their most authentic selves.

Mingyuan knew it wasn't a good habit, so for a long time, he tried his best to restrain his curiosity.

But there were always exceptions.

Take, for example, the war that the Ashen Church waged against Wizard Star, and the subsequent witch-hunting campaign that lasted a century and hasn't completely ceased to this day. He found it hard to imagine what kind of deep-seated grudge could drive the Church to persecute witches to such an extent.

Was it just because they lost some forces in the war on Wizard Star?

Or was it fear of the Art of Curse Killing?