Epilogue (Part Two)

Ten years had passed in the blink of an eye, like a beautiful dream, yet when the Sun King tried to recall everything that had happened over the decade, he found to his hazy dismay that the dream was missing many details.

When had the herald been chosen by Him?

And who had added those frescoes that recounted His magnificent deeds?

As these doubts surfaced, the Sun King, who had embraced divinity, uncommonly felt human emotions once more.

Cold, and spine-chillingly so.

"It's better not to think about it too deeply."

The transmitter, as if seeing through His heart, advised, "You are the creator of this place, which holds everything you desire."

Immediately after, the newcomer turned toward the blank space on the wall.

Now, they had arrived at the node of reincarnation, and the story of the Sun King would continue on. The world would meet the expectations of the divinity, and He would find the ultimate answer on Blue Star to become the only eternal presence in this world.