Chapter 309: Slaying Up Ming Mountain (Extra 28, 29)

The void outside the Ancient Divine Palace.

Today, Jiangnan Province was treated to rare clear skies, the warm sunshine of late summer and early fall spilling over everyone.

"What a pity, if only I had a few more months or even half a year to advance my fourth Star Meridian from the Sixth Layer to the Seventh, I could've directly cultivated the Seventh Layer Star Technique 'Light Transformation.'" Li Yuan flew through the void, cloaked in his Phantom Spirit Garment.

'Wind Feather' and 'Light Transformation' are both Escaping Method Star Techniques that can greatly increase a powerhouse's movement technique speed.

Movement technique speed is very important in combat.

It's also a crucial part of Li Yuan's plans to learn.

After all, despite Li Yuan's unprecedented strength now, he wouldn't dare claim certain victory against the Three Great Beast Emperors.

In life and death battles, one must exert all possible effort.