Wang Zhong stared at the photo, lost in thought.
Pavlov asked, "You're not thinking of getting on a plane right now for a personal reconnaissance, are you?"
Wang Zhong replied, "But at this moment, it is indeed the fastest way to get a clear understanding of the enemy's newly arrived armored troops.
"I'm worried about our military department, which is launching an attack today. Both Yegorov's First Mobile Group Army and Yane Yame's Melania Army Group are mixed forces, they still have means to counter enemy armored assaults.
"Likewise, the experienced Guards Eighth Tank Army that is also entering the fray today wears its Guards title with pride.
"But the 55th Tank Army that is supposed to attack today is a newly arrived force from the rear, with only fifteen percent of personnel who have experience!
"What if this army encounters a counterattacking enemy? Once the location of the enemy's new forces is ascertained..."