100, covenantor of the gods

Generally, armies like the Free Knights Order, temporarily conscripted for war, would disband on their own after the conflict, but due to the operational mechanisms of the Faust Empire not being as precise as gears, many Knighthoods continued to operate for a while after the war, drawing their pay for an extended period.

The Empire mostly turned a blind eye to this and did not intervene much.

The Free Knights Order's registration term was typically one year, three years, or five years, depending on the scale of the war. It was common for the registration period of a Knighthood fighting on the front to expire, leading to the suspension of pay and mutiny, which could result in a loss in the war.

Renewing the registration of a Knighthood was actually quite a niche job.

How powerful is a Fu Er?

It could extend a Knighthood's registration to the maximum limit allowed by the Empire's legal system!