224, Void Folding

The Mostar Fortress Knighthood, in fact, hadn't figured out what to do?

The leader of this knighthood was naturally Archduke Ferdinand, and after the Duke Ferdinand couple was assassinated, it was Grand Duke Joseph who became the master of this knighthood, but Joseph's control over the knighthood had considerably weakened.

If it weren't for the banner of avenging Duke Ferdinand, he probably couldn't have commanded this knighthood at all.

With Joseph's death in the South Serif territory, the knighthood was left without a master.

Aside from the leader, Mostar Fortress originally had a total of five captains, two of whom were high-level transcendents who both made it back alive to Mostar Fortress. The other three were mid-level transcendents, two of whom died in battle in the South Serif territory, so now three captains are in charge of the knighthood.