300, Divine Order 2

Charles then sensed the third Mirror World, which was the few mirrors he had left on St. Michael Island.

After that, he sensed the fourth Mirror World, which was Menilman's Empire Rose.

The Mirror World is a false world, Charles couldn't travel through the Mirror World to places the Queen Bee had been unless there was an exit.

But there happened to be "exits" on St. Michael Island and aboard the Empire Rose.

Charles naturally merged these two Mirror Worlds as well.

However, whether it was the Empire Rose or the Queen Bee, after all, both were ships, unable to travel on land, so Charles couldn't connect them to the two small Mirror Worlds in Strasbourg, and his Mirror World, although vast, was still confined to the seas.

As Charles was feeling the expansion of the Mirror World, he suddenly heard a roar, he looked through the mirror and saw Golden Ram Herolf in a dimly lit basement, seemingly engaged in some secret ritual.