461, Tears of the Whale King

Beneath the roots of the Gomodoro Tree, nobody knows how many Ling demons had been birthed, but among several hundred or even more Ling demons, there would be a blue giant's cub!

As for why the tribe of the blue sky doesn't consider Ling demons their kin,

Charles speculated that it might be because once Ling demons reached maturity, they were directly released, spreading through the labyrinth of underground passages throughout Solomon Island, while blue giants would be extracted and born from somewhere within the Gomodoro Tree.

He was now certain that he had misjudged before; the Gomodoro Tree was not benevolent but utterly mad.

This Divine Creature must look quite normal, but in reality, it had lost all sense of reason and likely even had a penchant for self-destruction. Anyway, it must be quite lively on the same boat with Omibella and Amon, those three odd entities.