574, Solo Menilman

Charles raised his hand to signal that they should not disturb these people.

Although he had the ability to kill or even capture them, these individuals were clearly minor pawns following the immigration from the New Continent, unworthy of knowing too many secrets.

Charles needed to find some high-status immigrants from the New Continent to force information out of them.

Under the transformation into a beastman, he couldn't use the "Bloody Glory" abilities, and if he were to use the power at the Sacred level, he would have to succeed in a single strike and then flee at full force so as not to allow the Evil God lurking in Manise City any time to react.

Romios, Kresto, Menilman, and Princess May all understood Charles' intent, so everyone froze, watching these individuals walk into the plant-overgrown streets, occasionally reaching out to extract something from the bodies of the pedestrians.