Chapter 15: Hold One's Head High

Both of them were obviously awakened by the noise at the door, so at the moment, their hair was a mess like an uncombed chicken's nest, and they were only wearing big underwear, completely disheveled.

But the detective outside the door was not at all surprised. In this world, survival itself is a difficult task, and aside from the very few powerful elites, how many people pay attention to the quality of life?

So he reached out to take the temporary detective's uniform and epaulets, and handed them to Qiu Tu with both hands, "Commander!"

Once Qiu Tu had taken the uniform, the detective did not leave. He took out a slip of paper from his pocket and once again offered it respectfully to Qiu Tu with both hands.

"Commander! This is my contact information."

"If there's any way you can make use of me, please feel free to command, and I will be at your disposal at any time!"

Then, he repeated his own name, "My name is Li Ke."

After speaking, he gave Qiu Tu a standard salute and then left promptly without any hesitation.

Watching Li Ke's retreating figure, Qiu Tu's eyes flickered slightly, and then a smile curved at the corner of his mouth.

Indeed... intelligent people are everywhere.

Yesterday, in order for Ah-Tai to fall into the Special Service Department, he had continuously tried to gain favor in Fang Ming's presence, scheming.

And today, having been promoted to a First Level Detective in the Political Department, someone immediately started to offer their allegiance actively.

Indeed, a First Level Detective, particularly from a powerful department, is very much sought after.

Thinking this, Qiu Tu tucked Li Ke's note into his pocket. In the future, if a suitable opportunity arose, he would not mind giving this smart detective a chance.

Turning back, Ah-Tai had already come over, looking around dumbfounded, hardly believing as he said, "Bro, did you really become a First Level Detective? And entered the Political Department?"

While closing the door, Qiu Tu nodded with a smile, "Yes."

Ah-Tai yelled excitedly, "Damn, I was worried about you getting into trouble last night!"

"That's why I dragged Eagle to squat at the garden entrance, planning to rush in and save you if you didn't come out!"

"And now, not only did you have no trouble, but you also got promoted?"

Hearing Ah-Tai's words, Qiu Tu laughed, "Rush in to save me? With that little hammer of yours?"

"Do you know how many detectives are inside, how many guns?"

"I bet you would have been shot dead by random gunfire before you could even reach me."

Ah-Tai scratched his head naively upon hearing this, "But I don't care! Anyway, I was going to save you!"

"From the moment you picked me up when I was little, my life has been yours!"

Hearing Ah-Tai's words, Qiu Tu's eyes flickered, inevitably remembering the past with Ah-Tai...

That day, what Qiu Tu said to Fang Ming was indeed half-true, half-false. It was true that Ah-Tai had been involved with gangs and was blacklisted for resisting the military.

But what was false... was not that Qiu Tu had been looked after by Ah-Tai's parents, but rather that the two of them, or perhaps their group of more than a dozen people, had always depended on each other for survival.

Qiu Tu was an orphan of chaotic times, surviving on scavenging as a child. At 6, he found the dying Ah-Tai in a pile of garbage, at 8 found Eagle, at 10 found Ah-Kun...

In the chaos of the Cataclysm, unsure of the next day's survival, the children banded together for warmth. Gradually, their group grew in number and eventually expanded to more than twenty people.

Later, as they grew older, they were discovered and absorbed by local gangs, but their bonds didn't weaken, and they still helped each other.

Afterward, the Sanctuary listed Xinjie City as a Planning Area and the military came in early to clear out the gangs. The underground organizations were eradicated like bubbles popped.

Some of the youths from their small group were killed, some were blacklisted, and some ran away.

In the end, with the establishment of Xinjie City, Qiu Tu, because of his decent looks, healthy body with no criminal record, and having learned to drive in the gang, successfully became a detective and gradually brought back his brothers one by one, finding them proper arrangements...

That's why he and Ah-Tai shared a life-and-death friendship, that's why Ah-Tai could so sincerely say, "Even if I get killed by stray bullets, I must save Qiu Tu..."

Thinking of this, Qiu Tu looked deeply at Ah-Tai, then patted his shoulder heavily.

Subordinates like Li Ke, who cozied up for personal gain, were needed by Qiu Tu; brothers like Ah-Tai were even more necessary.

Just as the great man had said, "If you want to achieve something, you should have as many friends as possible and as few enemies as possible."

Only by uniting all possible forces can you grow stronger and create glory!


After changing into his uniform and donning his new epaulettes, Qiu Tu received a communication from Jia Shu.

In the communication, Jia Shu asked him to visit the Garden Villa for a task assignment.

Qiu Tu guessed that it must be that Yan Chen had made up her mind.

So, he explained briefly to Ah-Tai and Eagle, then went downstairs, casually bought a bun, and while eating, he boarded a city bus powered by horses heading toward Yan Chen's villa.

As for Ah-Tai and Eagle, the two weren't idle either; they got ready and strutted off to their jobs at the Old Alley Street Public Security Office with a bit of swagger.

They could become temporary detectives all because Qiu Tu once pulled Yan Chen's rank. At first, the office valued them highly and entrusted them with important tasks.

But later, when they found that Yan Chen apparently didn't care about them at all and never mentioned them, the office gradually came to understand the situation.

Thus, they were gradually marginalized and became the lowest rung in the office.

But now it was different. Qiu Tu had been promoted to a First Level Detective in the Political Department, and his brothers would rise with the tide, strutting with renewed spirit...

That's why they were eager to announce this good news at the office...

Glory in the evening, gone by morning? No such thing! In a post-apocalyptic world, if you don't show your strength, everyone will feel bold enough to crap on you!

You have to become stronger and tell everyone you're strong, then others will not dare to bully you!

[11:27:03 (Treasure Chest)]


After transferring buses twice and walking for more than ten minutes, Qiu Tu finally arrived at the City Center Garden again.

After such a long journey, Qiu Tu had only one thought: I really need to get a car! Otherwise, it's just too time-consuming!

Thinking this, Qiu Tu confirmed his identity with the sentry, then stepped into the garden.

Yan Chen indeed had a taste for living. The garden was beautiful at night, but even more so during the day.

Neatly pruned shrubs, trimmed greenery, and sparkling fountains under the sunlight could make one temporarily forget this was a world after the Cataclysm.

Indeed, no matter the world or era, the lives of the elite are always incomparably superior.

"Qiu Tu?"

As Qiu Tu was secretly reflecting, he suddenly heard Fang Ming's voice.

Looking up, Qiu Tu saw Fang Ming leading a team escorting a young girl out.

The girl looked young, no more than fifteen or sixteen, with three stripes of red, yellow, and blue paint on her face. Her eyes were sharp yet slightly immature in their ferocity, like a wolf cub that might turn vicious and bite at any second.

Qiu Tu glanced at the girl and asked curiously, "What did she do to necessitate the Special Service Department to escort her personally?"

Fang Ming let out a sigh and said with a smile, "She's a black market Pharmacist we caught in Xiafang Street yesterday. It seems the higher-ups are very concerned about this, they specifically asked us to escort her for interrogation."

"We just finished the interrogation, and we're now ready to take her away."