Chapter 13 The Lion's Mouth Opens Wide

He looked at Qiu Tu with a smile that was not quite a smile and said, "Qiu Tu, don't worry too much about this mission."

"You are now a part of our Political Department, and we will certainly not let you fight this battle alone. We will try our best to create some conditions for you and offer some support."

Hearing Jia Shu's words, Qiu Tu also came back to reality.

Right... with such a powerful force as the Qin Family, how could one possibly bring them down alone?

Then... he heard Jia Shu say with a chuckle, "When the time comes, I will have the Bureau Chief arrange for Miss Shuman to return home for a visit."

"As the head of her security team, you will accompany her to stay with the Qin Family, and then start your investigation."

"With Miss Shuman's trust and high regard for you, I believe you can dig out the secrets of the Qin Family smoothly and then complete the mission."

Hearing Jia Shu's words, a jolt went through Qiu Tu's heart.

At this moment, Jia Shu continued, "Moreover, I can point out a direction for your investigation."

"You reported to the Bureau Chief earlier that you suspected Miss Shuman was one of the City Hall's people, but this suspicion has no evidence."

"However, Miss Shuman's connection with the United Front is something you've witnessed yourself."

"So... you might have guessed Miss Shuman's camp wrong."

"Perhaps she and the Qin Family are not City Hall people but supporters of an anti-government organization!" By the end, Jia Shu's gaunt face revealed a cruel smile, the transparent lenses of his glasses flashing cold light.

"Investigate in this direction, and you won't go wrong!"

At that moment, Qiu Tu felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over him, leaving him thoroughly chilled.

Cruel! Too cruel!

This move of going with the flow had blocked all his retreats and excuses!

He had "personally witnessed" Qin Shuman "bribing" him and had "personally witnessed" Qin Shuman commanding the United Front to help him gain fame and fortune. Whether Qin Shuman and the Qin Family were City Hall people was debatable, but they definitely had ties with the United Front!

And since Qin Shuman did not avoid him when colluding with the United Front, he should be able to easily find the evidence of collusion between the Qin Family and the United Front upon investigation!

While murder and arson might not bring down the Qin Family, collusion with the anti-government armed forces—a grave crime—would surely suffice!

So... he either had to produce irrefutable evidence of the Qin Family's collusion with the United Front, withstand the Qin Family's retaliation, destroy the entire Qin Family and completely prove himself.

Or... the lies would fall apart by themselves.

This was a pincer tactic that left no way out.

Thinking of this, Qiu Tu's emotions rapidly withdrew, and he forced himself to calm down.

Perhaps his mindset had shifted, but he felt that the previously bright study seemed much darker again.

Darkness closed in from all directions, and only the circle of pale yellow light cast by the lamp on the mahogany desk held its ground, struggling against the gloom.

Yan Chen and Jia Shu, either seated or standing, watched him from within the darkness, one expressionless, the other with a smile that was not quite a smile, making his scalp tingle...

While suppressing the restlessness in his heart, Qiu Tu's mind raced, swiftly considering his options.

Time ticked by, second by second...

After a moment, he finally came to a decision...

He intentionally furrowed his brows and said, "Officer, I think the investigative direction you've pointed out is absolutely correct."

"But... isn't it too hasty?"

"Miss Shuman just bought me off today, and immediately after that, the Bureau Chief is arranging her to go back to the Qin Family for a visit. I've also been promoted and am accompanying her back to the Qin Family."

"Such an obvious arrangement, practically writing 'conspiracy' on our faces—the Qin Family will surely see through it."

Jia Shu looked at Qiu Tu with interest, "So your suggestion is...?"

Qiu Tu spoke seriously, "I think we shouldn't have the Bureau Chief arrange her to visit home, but rather she should take the initiative to ask for it!"

Hearing Qiu Tu's words, the eyes behind Jia Shu's glasses flickered slightly as if he were pondering.

But Qiu Tu didn't give him time to think and directly voiced his own thoughts.

He pointed at the Aurora Stone on the table and said, "Although I don't know the purpose of this stone, seeing how Miss Shuman, the Bureau Chief, and you, sir, treat it with such solemnity, it must be a treasure that interests everyone."

"I hope the department can provide me with more treasures like this and inform me of the relevant intelligence."

"Afterwards, I will take these treasures and intelligence to meet Miss Shuman, telling her I have made significant gains and want to report to her and have her arrange my next move."

"But it's impossible to discuss such secretive matters in the Bureau Chief's villa, so I will suggest that she take the initiative to ask the Bureau Chief to return home to visit relatives. The reason will be that she was frightened in this attack."

"That way, everything will be completely logical, and will not only not arouse Miss Shuman's and the Qin Family's suspicions, but Miss Shuman and the Qin Family will even trust me more because I brought so many Letters of Challenge."

"I can also investigate the evidence of the Qin Family's collusion with the United Front more quickly."

As Qiu Tu finished speaking, the room fell into silence.

Yan Chen and Jia Shu both fell silent...

Did Qiu Tu's words make sense? They did.

Was the plan more refined? Indeed, it was.

But... both of them just felt that something wasn't quite right.

Why should the Cataclysm Materials that were just acquired and not yet warmed up be returned, and even more be given to the other party?

This... why does it feel like a scam?

Could it be that Qiu Tu is planning to abscond with the "treasure"?

After quietly contemplating for a while, Yan Chen spoke.

He gazed deeply at Qiu Tu before saying hoarsely, "Qiu Tu, this treasure is called the Aurora Stone, and although it is not particularly valuable, it is a controlled item."

"Even I cannot simply take it out of the department."

"So while your plan is good, but... I still need to think it over carefully."

After saying that, he paused, waved his hand, "For tonight, you should go back and rest."

"Tomorrow, I will have someone send you a response."

Upon hearing Yan Chen's words, Qiu Tu's gaze flickered slightly, somewhat surprised.

He wasn't wrong; Qiu Tu's plan was actually a checkmate, intending to trap him deeply and completely disorder the situation, then to look for a new way to break the game.

He even considered, if unable to find a solution, to flee far away with the spoils of Cataclysm Materials and a beauty.

Yet, to his surprise, he didn't agree?

This instantly deepened Qiu Tu's understanding of the value of the Aurora Stone.

'If the Aurora Stone is truly that valuable, then Yan Chen would never be willing to give up on this lead, right?'

'So... can I play an even bigger game?'

As these thoughts flowed through his mind, Qiu Tu seemed to have found the key to breaking the game...

In this way, with the three of them each harboring their own schemes, Qiu Tu was escorted out of the study by Jia Shu.

Once out of the study, Qiu Tu took the initiative to salute and bid farewell to Jia Shu. Jia Shu didn't say much, only patting Qiu Tu on the shoulder with a smile that was not quite a smile, saying, "Not bad, very good indeed."

And as Qiu Tu left, he consistently felt as though there was a gaze following him, like a haunting presence behind him...

That sensation persisted until Qiu Tu turned a corner and it finally disappeared.

When that sensation had completely vanished, Qiu Tu slowly let out a breath of relief, and it was at this moment, he noticed the Crisis Countdown in the upper left corner of his vision had also begun to change slowly...