Chapter 19 My Dad Shen Yuzhou!

Hearing Qiu Tu's words, the agent flashed an "I understand" expression, then grinned, saluted, and strode out.

After all, Xinjie City had only recently been established, and most people living here still retained the habits of chaotic times. There was no custom of treating criminals kindly...

At this time, Fang Ming, who had been following behind Qiu Tu, quickly stepped forward and tugged at his sleeve.

When Qiu Tu looked over, Fang Ming lowered his voice and warned, "Don't do anything reckless."

"If you need anything, just go straight to the Qin Family. They specialize in that kind of business; they'll surely be able to arrange something for you,"

"Otherwise, we could also go out and look around, this is the downtown area, there must be suitable places nearby."

As he spoke, he paused, perhaps fearing Qiu Tu didn't understand his implication, he added in a whisper, "That girl's identity... it's likely not that simple. Don't be fooled."

At this, Qiu Tu couldn't help but laugh in disbelief. He responded in a low voice, "Do you really think I'm that desperate? I truly just have some questions I want to ask her."

Hearing Qiu Tu's reply, Fang Ming looked at him suspiciously, trying to find a trace of lying in his eyes, but what he saw was nothing but sincere.

"Anyway... I've told you, just be careful," Fang Ming whispered once more, then left the room.

Watching Fang Ming disappear from sight, Qiu Tu's lips curled into a smile, thinking the guy was quite interesting.

Not only was he a good person, but... he also had a clear head.

But how did he know the girl's identity wasn't that simple?

Even he himself only found out after entering the Qin Family and when the countdown refreshed...

Thinking this, Qiu Tu couldn't help but recall the scene when he entered the Qin Family...

As soon as Qiu Tu stepped into the Qin Family, the 24-hour frozen Countdown Treasure Chest finally began to unlock slowly, and a new Crisis Warning popped up in front of him.

"Peaceful life is always fleeting, but crises lurk like a shadow."

"Your immediate superior, Yan Chen, hasn't been fooled by your lies, but he's wary of your non-existent background and is also very interested in the origin of the Aurora Stone you possess."

"However, recently caught in the eye of the storm, he has no time to deal with you, so he conveniently sent you to the Qin Family, wanting them to test your depth."

"To make this test more challenging, he handed over a Pharmacist with a special identity to you and also spread a rumor that you had an old grudge with the Qin Family. You are ostensibly here to protect Qin Shuman, but in reality, you are investigating the Qin Family."

"So the moment you set foot in the Qin Family, thousands of eyes within the family were tightly fixed on you, waiting for you to slip up..."

"At the same time, Yan Chen is also closely monitoring your every move from behind, wanting to pry into your secrets..."

"Hide your weaknesses, display your strength, only then can you survive among encircling wolves..."

Accompanying this warning, the new Crisis Countdown also appeared: 7 days.

Through this Crisis Warning, Qiu Tu became more clearly aware of the perilous situation he was in:

He was pressed by the aggressively approaching Qin Family, with Yan Chen watching him like a tiger waiting to pounce, and carrying a "Criminal Girl" with an unclear identity.

Add to that Qin Shuman with unclear allegiances and Cui Lan, the maid who was monitoring him at all times.

Describing his current situation as "peril at every turn" couldn't be more apt.

That's why, after the banquet ended, Qiu Tu sought out the Pharmacist with a special identity as soon as possible.

After all, only by first understanding her identity could Qiu Tu adjust and carry out his next plan...


After watching Fang Ming leave, Qiu Tu turned to close the door and then stepped into the inner room.

There, the girl Pharmacist with a special identity had her left hand cuffed to a chair, but she was happily wolfing down food with chopsticks in her right hand.

Possibly because the food today was decent, her cheeks were puffed out, making her resemble a hamster.

Seeing Qiu Tu come in, she didn't act unfamiliar; instead she enthusiastically waved her chopsticks towards him and mumbled with her mouth full, "Come and have some."

Qiu Tu almost laughed.

This girl seemed quite at ease, as if she didn't know she was a suspect and Qiu Tu was the agent.

It seemed her identity must be out of the ordinary for her to be so composed even when in detention.

With that thought, Qiu Tu couldn't help but ask, "I've seen many suspects. There are the fearful ones, the arrogant ones, and those who scream their innocence at the sight of an agent, but I've never seen anyone as calm as you."

As he said this, Qiu Tu paused, "I heard from Fang Ming that you have some background? Tell me about it. What kind of background is it that scared him into arranging such good treatment for you?"

Upon hearing Qiu Tu's words, the girl nonchalantly flicked her chopsticks and said with pouted lips and conviction, "My dad is Shen Yuzhou!"

When Qiu Tu heard the girl's words, he was stunned for a moment.

Then... he had a face full of bewilderment, "Who?"

Girl: ???

Perhaps the name of her father had always been very effective, and the girl had grown accustomed to the astonished reactions upon hearing it, so Qiu Tu's blank look confused her as well.

Her face turned red, and she hurriedly said, "Shen Yuzhou! Shen Yuzhou! Deputy Speaker of the Third Sanctuary's Supreme Sanctuary Council, Shen Yuzhou!"

Hearing the girl's words, Qiu Tu quickly rifled through his memory, then continued to look perplexed...

Because in his memory, there was no mention of this person's name at all.

After all, Xinjie City belonged to the Eighth Sanctuary, and as it was just getting started, Qiu Tu, a low-level investigator, couldn't even recognize all the high-ranking officials of his own Sanctuary, let alone those from the distant Third Sanctuary: he'd never had the chance to hear of them...

However, Qiu Tu finally understood why Fang Ming had a weird look on his face and why Yan Chen had pushed this girl onto him.

Simply put, no one in Xinjie City could verify whether this girl was telling the truth or not. Neither Qiu Tu nor Yan Chen had the authority.

If the girl's identity was real, any rash punishment could potentially cause a conflict between two major Sanctuaries, a responsibility no one wanted to bear.

And if the girl's identity was false, scaring the entire Investigation Bureau into not daring to convict her over a lie, then the Bureau would lose all its credibility.

So, this was indeed a hot potato.

Thinking this way, Qiu Tu also began to have doubts about the girl's identity; after all, his "Crisis Intuition" only indicated that the girl had a special identity, but who knew if it meant that her father was Shen Yuzhou?

Maybe she was a spy? Maybe there was something fishy about her mentor?

The term 'special identity' could be too broad of an interpretation...

With these thoughts, Qiu Tu's mind was racing, and he curiously probed, "If your dad's position is so noble, then why do you find yourself in such a predicament?"

"You couldn't be lying, could you?"