Chapter 22 Emotional Scam

Looking at the lines of prompts before him, Qiu Tu's brain quickly worked through the analysis of the newly acquired intelligence.

First, it turns out... "Crisis Intuition" can trigger multiple alerts at the same time, not just one!

This discovery immediately improved Qiu Tu's situation quite a bit. After all, even if many crises were to happen at once, he could be aware of all of them.

Secondly, the "Crisis Intuition" could also be triggered not only when someone else intended to harm him but also when he was about to do something that could lead to his own demise.

In that case, the usefulness of this Golden Finger had been greatly elevated. It could even assist Qiu Tu in making some crucial decisions.

Furthermore, the configuration of the "Cataclysmic Potion" actually has "hidden elements" related to time and place?

No wonder the odds of obtaining Supernatural Power in this world were so low; the key element had been overlooked.

Or to put it another way... from the perspective of scientific development, no one would consider time and place critical factors affecting a drug's efficacy.

What's more... even if others learned this information, it would be hard to verify: each experiment might cost them a precious Cataclysmic Potion and a living human life.

Only Qiu Tu was different. With his "Crisis Intuition," he would get a corresponding warning if he faced a fatal threat.

So... if he configured the Cataclysmic Potion according to the "Crisis Intuition" prompts, couldn't he awaken to the Cataclysm 100% of the time?

Thinking of this, Qiu Tu suddenly felt all the worries of the past two days dissipate like smoke.

Besides these three key pieces of information, Qiu Tu also deduced a somewhat amusing insight from the prompts... Shen Lingshuang was actually a masochist?!

She had actually started to feel something unusual for him in response to his rough treatment?

If that wasn't a masochist, what was?

With that thought, Qiu Tu couldn't help but turn around, his gaze falling back on the room, 'Could it be... that from now on, he had to enhance their relationship by spanking this girl?'

Qiu Tu was a bit baffled. After all, he was a respectable man...

As he thought this, the maid came over with a tray of hot food.

Seeing this, Qiu Tu actively reached out to take it and then carried it into the room.

Inside the room, Shen Lingshuang, wearing silver handcuffs, was propping her cheek with her left hand, gazing out of the window as if lost in thought.

Qiu Tu sized her up for a moment, finding the girl quite pretty when she was quiet: a palm-sized oval face, delicate lips, and a slightly upturned nose formed a youthful and tender visage.

Perhaps because she was still maturing, her presence lacked the warmth and charm typical of her age, replaced instead by a hint of youthful vitality.

Maybe Qiu Tu's gaze was too direct, as Shen Lingshuang frowned and turned her head, pouting with a childishly fierce expression, "What are you looking at? Keep staring, and I'll poke your eyes out!"

Possibly because he knew about Shen Lingshuang's personality from the Crisis Warnings, Qiu Tu's temperament had mellowed as well.

While calmly placing the food on the table, he said to Shen Lingshuang, "Ling Shuang, I'm pleased that you're willing to cooperate with the interrogation and tell me everything you know."

"But I don't like your attitude."

Shen Lingshuang gnashed her tiger teeth, wanting to retort but perhaps remembering she was still at Qiu Tu's mercy, so she just snorted through her nose and went back to eating in silence.

Qiu Tu didn't continue to press her. Although he knew the girl was a masochist, training a masochist was like scamming—it was all about baiting and reeling in, a game of giving and taking.

You couldn't just oppress; you also had to offer some warmth occasionally.


So it was that Qiu Tu, while looking at the interrogation records in his hand, silently finished the meal with Shen Lingshuang.

When Shen Lingshuang put down her chopsticks, Qiu Tu also timely closed the interrogation records and stood up.

Shen Lingshuang gave him a curious glance and asked, tilting her head, "Were you just keeping me company while I ate?"

Qiu Tu glanced at her and deliberately said, "No."

After speaking, he swept away, leaving the room with a flourish and arranging for servants to come in and clean up.

Shen Lingshuang watched Qiu Tu's dashing figure disappear, blinked her big eyes, and thinking back to the scene where Qiu Tu had firmly pinned her down on the chair for a harsh scolding, a ripple stirred in her heart...

Meanwhile, Qiu Tu, who had stepped outside, looked at the murky sky and let out a slight sigh as he reflected on his past.

Aside from economic fraud, there's actually another branch of deceit: emotional manipulation.

And many times, emotional manipulation can extract benefits more easily than financial scams.

In his previous life, Qiu Tu's phone scam syndicate was a comprehensive large group that, aside from economic fraud, also dealt with emotional manipulation schemes.

Twelve types of women, thirty-six response plans, one hundred and eight ways to foster feelings and PUA techniques... all had been compiled into a manual and distributed to the staff to study.

Although Qiu Tu had not studied it seriously, he had dabbled in it.

He hadn't considered this before, but it was the system's Crisis Warning that reminded him of Shen Lingshuang's fondness for him. So he just went with the flow to enhance their relationship.

After spending a night together, Qiu Tu had made a rough assessment of Shen Lingshuang's identity: even if it wasn't as exaggerated as she claimed, it was pretty close to the truth. At least the identity of a high-ranking official's child was indubitable.

Although it was unclear why such a girl would end up in the Planning Area, it was indeed an opportunity for Qiu Tu.

If he could really grasp this lead, maybe there would be room for things to turn around.

With this thought, Qiu Tu found Fang Ming and made arrangements for Shen Lingshuang's security, mainly borrowing two maid servants from the Qin Family to take care of her.

After all, Shen Lingshuang was a girl, and the Security Team was all rough men; some matters were not too convenient.

Fang Ming was indeed a rare good man in this Cataclysmic world. Just days ago, Qiu Tu had been under his command, but now he had suddenly leaped to become Fang Ming's superior. Despite this, Fang Ming did not show any hard feelings and competently served as Qiu Tu's deputy.

With him assisting by his side, Qiu Tu could devote more energy to solving his current predicament.

After arranging for Shen Lingshuang's daily care, Qiu Tu walked toward the residence that the Qin Family had prepared for him.

To accommodate the Security Team, the Qin Family had specifically vacated a two-entry courtyard. Since Qin Shuman was staying directly at the Qin Family's Main Residence, it was natural for Qiu Tu to move into the main building of this courtyard.

Upon arrival at the main building's entrance, before he even stepped into the room, Qiu Tu noticed the door to the front hall was open, and the light inside was on.

He paused for a moment, then stepped inside.

Entering the front hall, Qiu Tu saw a portly middle-aged man leisurely sipping tea in the guest chair.

A girl about sixteen or seventeen stood by his side, head bowed.

Perhaps hearing footsteps, the middle-aged man turned around; seeing Qiu Tu, his face immediately filled with smiles, and he stood up to greet him warmly, "Ah, Agent Qiu, I've been waiting for you."

Qiu Tu's gaze flickered slightly as he walked over warmly, "Master Qin Si, do you have matters to discuss with me so late at night?"

Master Qin Si, the fourth son of Old Master Qin, also the head of the fourth branch. Despite his genial appearance, he managed the Qin Family's underworld businesses like the Underground Brothel and gambling dens...
