Chapter 29: Establishing Authority!

It has to be said, when Qiu Tu learned this piece of news from Fang Ming's mouth, he was somewhat surprised.

He had considered the possibility that Yan Chen might agree, but he never expected her agreement to come so swiftly, nor did he expect Jia Shu to carry out the orders so quickly.

Reflecting on the time elapsed from when he requested reinforcements to when they arrived, it was a mere four hours.

This indicated that Yan Chen had hardly hesitated after receiving the report before approving his request, and Jia Shu had caused no delays.

'It's good news... This means that in Yan Chen's eyes, I am becoming more and more important...'

'However...' As this thought crossed his mind, Qiu Tu couldn't help but speculate, 'Given Yan Chen's character, there must definitely be a catch with this reinforcement, right?'

With these thoughts, Qiu Tu leisurely returned to the courtyard where he was staying.

Indeed, upon arriving at the courtyard, Qiu Tu discovered a team of Political Department Investigators in black uniforms resting inside.

And the entrance to the courtyard, which had been rather quiet these past couple of days, today saw several additional servants from the Qin Family Mansion interior.

They peered into the courtyard from time to time, clearly there to observe and gather intelligence.

Witnessing this scene, Qiu Tu couldn't help but laugh wryly to himself.

It seems the first pitfall had arrived: Yan Chen actually hadn't sent the Political Department Investigators in secret but let them enter the Qin Family Mansion openly?

What is the Political Department for?

It's a secret branch responsible mainly for espionage, counter-espionage, and internal supervision.

Such a sensitive department always acts with consideration for their impact and keeps a low profile.

Now, a team of Political Department Investigators entering the Qin Family Mansion openly will probably soon stir up a storm throughout the city.

Thinking this, Qiu Tu stepped into the courtyard.

When Fang Ming, who was receiving the reinforcements, saw Qiu Tu, he hastily greeted him, "Agent Qiu."

After the greeting, he introduced Qiu Tu to the two Political Department Investigators beside him, "This is our Security Team Leader, Agent Qiu."

Having said this, he led the two men forward.

As the two men approached, Qiu Tu's gaze also fell on their epaulettes.

One of the men had two golden flowers pinned on his epaulette, while the other had three, just like Qiu Tu.

That meant he, like Qiu Tu, was a First Level Detective of the Political Department, a squad leader.

Indeed, when Fang Ming introduced them to Qiu Tu, he particularly emphasized this point, "Agent Qiu, these two are Investigators Cao Dabiao and Chen Feng."

"They are the leaders and deputy leaders of this reinforcement squad."

At this point, Fang Ming gave Qiu Tu a meaningful look, clearly indicating that there was an issue here.

Qiu Tu kept his composure, but inwardly he was almost amused to the point of laughing by Yan Chen:

He had requested just one squad of Political Department Investigators, yet a full squad had been sent over, with even their squad leader included.

He was of the same rank as this Squad Leader Cao Dabiao, whose seniority was greater than his and who was more familiar with the team members. Without displaying some skill, he could be sidelined within minutes. How then could he control this squad and cultivate his own power base?

With these thoughts in mind, Qiu Tu glanced at Cao Dabiao and Chen Feng with a profound look.

Cao Dabiao was a man in his thirties with a round face, a beard around his jaw, and squinting eyes that betrayed ruthlessness and greed.

With just one glance, Qiu Tu knew this man was an unruly rascal who would not easily take orders.

As for Chen Feng, he was a young man in his twenties, with sharp and well-defined features that seemed a bit difficult to deal with, and he appeared somewhat indifferent when he saw Qiu Tu.

It seems... he's a thorn too, isn't he?

Having considered this, Qiu Tu gained a general understanding of the "test" Yan Chen and Jia Shu had set up for him.

However... such a trivial difficulty didn't even register in Qiu Tu's eyes.

With that thought, he abruptly stood straight and bellowed, "Assemble!"

Upon hearing Qiu Tu's full-throated command, the Political Department Investigators who had been resting in twos and threes were suddenly startled.

Earlier, Fang Ming had already introduced them to Qiu Tu's identity, so upon hearing his call to assemble, they hurriedly ran over and formed up.

Even if Cao Dabiao and Chen Feng harbored other ulterior motives at this moment, seeing all the team members assembling, they too could only stand before Qiu Tu.

After seizing the initiative, Qiu Tu swept his gaze sharply across everyone, and then, pointing at his own epaulettes, he introduced himself, "I am Qiu Tu from the Political Department, a First Level Detective! I am the captain of this Security Team, and also the commanding officer of all of you!"

"Now, attention~~~!"

As Qiu Tu finished stating his identity and the hierarchy of superior and subordinate was established, everyone's compliance visibly increased, and they immediately straightened their backs, standing upright.

Even the old fox, Big Biao, lazily straightened up.

Qiu Tu's eyes swept across all the members and he commanded, "Salute!"

Following Qiu Tu's cue, a dozen right hands lifted in unison!

Qiu Tu also stood straight and returned the salute.

Then he lowered his hand, looked at Cao Dabiao, and said, "Cao Dabiao, step out!"

Qiu Tu and Cao Dabiao were of the same rank, and Qiu Tu's seniority was slightly less, so theoretically, he couldn't command Cao Dabiao.

But because Qiu Tu's position included the role of Security Team Captain and the entire squad had just followed his orders, even if he felt somewhat aggrieved, he had no choice but to cooperate.

Now that Qiu Tu had singled him out with a command, his discomfort intensified. But since he had followed the previous commands and a pattern had been established, he could only reluctantly step forward and said perfunctorily, "Agent Qiu, what instructions do you have?"

However, Qiu Tu didn't give him the slightest face, and directly snapped, "Address me as your commanding officer!"

Hearing Qiu Tu's uncompromising words, Cao Dabiao felt a burning sensation on his face. He could almost feel the awkward stares from his team members behind him without even looking back.

He knew Qiu Tu was completely undermining his authority in the squad and forcibly establishing the concept of hierarchy in front of everyone.

So, gritting his teeth and glaring at Qiu Tu, he was tempted to challenge Qiu Tu to a contest of wills and push back against his command.

But just at that moment, Qiu Tu spoke again.

With a cold gaze, he sternly shouted at Cao Dabiao, "What? Are you resisting a superior's command?!"

In that instant, Cao Dabiao felt utterly embarrassed.

In a disciplined force, defying orders is an extremely serious matter—even to the extent of being shot on the spot during wartime!

Furthermore, what was more important was that he noticed Qiu Tu's hand had already moved toward the gun holster on his back.

'Does he truly intend to kill me?'

'How dare he?!'

'Has he gone mad? To shoot a First Level Detective over a formality? He wouldn't survive the repercussions either!'

Although he couldn't believe in his heart that Qiu Tu would do such a thing, the dark intensity in Qiu Tu's eyes forced him to yield at that moment due to the overwhelming sense of danger.

'There's no point in reasoning with a madman!'

'As long as I live, I can seek revenge later!'

With that thought, he lowered his head and shouted loudly, "Yes, commanding officer!"

Qiu Tu's hand relaxed from the gun holster, and he nodded in satisfaction, "Good!"

"Now, I have a mission to assign to you!"