Chapter 65: Launching the Loyalty Game (7k Subscriptions Please!)


Seeing this, Qiu Tu became even more certain in his heart. He smiled and asked, "What's the matter? Is there a problem with my suspicion?"

In just that one second, Liu Fuping also recovered.

She obviously wanted to continue pretending, so she twisted in Qiu Tu's arms and gently pounded his shoulder, coquettishly saying, "Commander, stop teasing~ I'm discussing serious matters with you~"

Hearing her words, Qiu Tu "haha" laughed twice, then slid his hand holding the gun up from her slender waist, over the profound hollow, her fair neck, all the way to her chin.

With the muzzle of the gun, he lifted Liu Fuping's chin and looked into her beautiful eyes, speaking softly,

"Sister Liu, I'm not messing around either."

"You might have misunderstood me due to my image all this time. Thinking I'm just a rogue who got into the Interrogation Section through connections."

"But actually... I do have some skills of my own."

"Not many, unfortunately... but your flaw was too big."