Chapter 92: The Truth Surfaces (7k for follow-up reads!)

And following the etiquette, after the banquet, everyone would exchange gifts with each other.

The gift list recorded the presents that the Qin Family and other attendees had given to Vice President Tian....

Within it, the book "Brave New World" was conspicuously listed.

However, what was odd was that most gifts on the list had a record of who had sent them. The only exception was this book, which had no record whatsoever.

It was as if... someone had secretly placed it in the pile of gifts.

Thinking this, Qiu Tu glanced over the guest list from that banquet.

Then his eyes slightly narrowed as he discovered another familiar name.

With this thought, Qiu Tu quickly pointed to that name and said to Qin Shuman, "Look, who is this?"

Qin Shuman followed the direction of Qiu Tu's finger and saw a name she recognized: Shun Yun Trading Co., Ltd.'s Qian Dafu.