Chapter 109 Continue to Play Music and Dance (10,000 Words, Please Subscribe!)

They might never have encountered a situation where they were having a great time playing together, only for it to turn into an arrest in the middle of their fun.

So when Qiu Tu stood up and signed the arrest warrant on the spot, the entire glittering private room suddenly fell silent as a tomb.

The other captains and section chiefs playing with them, as well as the rich merchants, all lifted their heads from the ladies' creamy bosoms, one by one, looking at Qiu Tu in surprise, then at Section Chief Bai and Section Chief Kong.

Perhaps the atmosphere in the room was too stiff or maybe the name "Political Department," stained with blood, was too scary.

Even the beauties who had been dancing in the room stopped their moves, standing still, not knowing what to do as they watched everyone.

The only one who remained calm in the room was probably Chief Huang, the organizer of the party.