Chapter 120: Slinging Mud at Jia Shu (10,000 Words to Seek Monthly Ticket!)

Hearing Yan Chen's words, Qiu Tu knew that the real test was finally about to come.

Therefore, he looked at Yan Chen, listened to the "rustling" rain outside the window, and slowly said,

"Bureau Chief, the 'Yin Caimei case' actually consists of two separate cases."

"The first case is the 'Yin Caimei Spy Case'."

"The second case is the 'Yin Caimei Death Case'."

"The murderer of the second case is simple. After our investigation and interrogation, we have locked down and confirmed the killer."

"It is none other than one of the Four Major Transportation Merchants, Deputy Director Bai of the Civil Affairs Bureau's son-in-law, Section Chief Bai's husband: Qian Dafu."

"According to his testimony, he has been working closely with the Anti-government Armed Forces, the United Front, over the years, not only supplying them with materials multiple times but also always running errands for them."