Chapter 158 Tang Feifei: I Want Monogamy (10,000 Words, Please Subscribe!)


Although he had such concerns, facing Qin Shuman, Qiu Tu was still full of confidence and said, "Don't worry... I already have a plan."

Qin Shuman wasn't the type to dilly-dally or engage in endless disputes.

So, upon hearing Qiu Tu's words, she hesitated slightly before agreeing. She didn't continue to offer help, instead, she quietly said, "Just make sure you don't die."

When Qiu Tu heard this, he knew what she was worried about, so he joked, "Haven't you heard an old saying? 'Good people don't live long, troublemakers last a thousand years!'"

At the other end of the phone, Qin Shuman's lips couldn't help but curve upwards a little.

She teased, "You're really quite unsparing when it comes to belittling yourself."

A joke lightened the somewhat heavy atmosphere between them considerably.

After chatting with Qiu Tu for a bit, Qin Shuman asked, "Is there anything else that I can help with?"