Chapter 169: Endless Trump Cards (11,000 Words, Subscribe Please!)

Special Duties Department Director Lin Ting was unaware that Qiu Tu had already captured a masked man in a suit.

Therefore, when a man in a suit suddenly appeared, he didn't feel any surprise at all!

However, he saw that the masked man in a suit did not flee but had the audacity to strike at him first!

A trace of annoyance appeared on his face instantly, so his eyes became as sharp as an eagle's, and without dodging or evading, he counterattacked with a palm strike!

With a "Boom!" a loud noise erupted!

As both individuals clashed palms, the air itself seemed to be violently shaking!

The next second, to the shock of the onlookers, both sides seemed to be evenly matched, each taking a step back!

The man in a suit was wearing a mask, making it impossible for the various forces to recognize his true identity.

But Lin Ting's identity was known to everyone.