Chapter 171: Revealing the Plan After Arresting Jia Shu (11,000 Words, Please Subscribe!)_2

All forces that were monitoring tonight's operation were almost entirely dragged down by Qiu Tu!

And they did not "disappoint" Qiu Tu's expectations, as they indeed succeeded in holding back Jia Shu and Suit Man's four avatars!

This forced Jia Shu to take action himself, thus ultimately falling into Qiu Tu's trap!

As for the latter....

Thinking of this, Qiu Tu couldn't help but glance at the "Uncompromising Simulacrum" that had already been repaired.

Then he reached out his hand and beckoned.

The next second, the "Uncompromising Simulacrum" "wah wah wah" vomited a lot of blood and then rapidly shrank in size.

In no time, the 1.8-meter-tall "Qiu Tu" had turned into a thumb-sized, stiff-bodied, faceless, featureless little figure.

This was one of the two Cataclysmic treasures Qiu Tu had won in the "Salvage Game" two days ago.

Its function was that as long as it absorbed enough blood, it could become a second body for the user.