099, Insight into the truth

When the prayer abruptly ceased,

Du Wei was seized by a chilling sensation, yet through his Spirit Vision, he detected no malevolent presence behind the door.

More importantly, he had already pushed the door open a crack.

Peering through the gap, the entire hospital room was pitch black, devoid of any light; the windows seemed to be sealed shut, and aside from a sliver of light reflected by the door, nothing within was discernible.

At this moment, the only sounds Du Wei could hear, apart from Ryan's approaching footsteps from behind, were his own breathing.

The hospital room, however, was dead silent.

It was as if the person inside was holding their breath at this very moment, not daring to make even the slightest noise.

Something felt very wrong…

Du Wei furrowed his brow, his peripheral vision catching Ryan moving to his side as he pushed the door fully open.

In an instant, he heard a fear-soaked voice, suppressed to its limit.

"Don't... don't come any closer..."