150, Long-lost peace...

"Mr. Du Wei, you... just... just this?"

Alex bit her teeth in anger, instantly turned her body around, and stared at Du Wei angrily.

Her eyes were filled with displeasure!

Whereas Du Wei pretended to speak indifferently, "Otherwise, what?"

Actually, he also felt embarrassed. He understood what Alex meant, but instinctively felt that it wasn't the right thing to do.

Confirming a relationship didn't mean they had to immediately become intimate.

That would only make him feel like a scumbag.

A woman's body didn't hold much attraction for him, after all, he studied forensic medicine in college, and the bodies he dissected were not differentiated by gender.

It was most suitable when things fall naturally into place, and under the current circumstances, he didn't want their relationship to progress so quickly.

At the very least... they would discuss it after returning from Massas City.

Alex snorted coldly, unable to help but roll her eyes.