158, Missing...(Additional update)

James and Bishop Thompson's conversation was carried out in hushed tones and wasn't heard by the others.

For the Church, they controlled the methods by which exorcists entered Evil Spirit Transformation.

But there were only five hunters in the Church, and they were all old men.

James had a firm belief and was willing to become a desperate hunter for the safety of others to leave.

But at this moment, he also knew that the hunters in the Church were definitely not as simple as he thought, merely five in number.

In fact...

Previously, he had heard about the Dusk Bell Church.

The Dusk Bell Church was an organization formed by hunters who defected from the Church last century.

Their faith remained the same, but it became more extreme; every member had reached the Third Phase of Spirit Vision and entered Evil Spirit Transformation.

And the most powerful were the old generation hunters who were about to completely turn into Evil Spirits.