242. James's Destination...

"Congratulations, Mr. Du Wei, from now on, not only are you the Exorcist responsible for the Evil Spirit incidents in New York, but you are also the Deputy Director of the Church Tribunal. It is an honor, but also a responsibility."

In the council, after Archbishop Skadi finished his announcement, the others exchanged glances, indicating no objections.

For Du Wei, this was both good and bad news.

From the outset of his involvement in Evil Spirit Transformation, he had no intention of getting too close to the church, but things went contrary to his wishes.

As he encountered more and more Evil Spirits, he inadvertently became more involved with the church's inner workings, and his position ascended rapidly.

Just like Father Tony once said, he felt Du Wei would become the youngest Archbishop in the history of the church. Although he had not reached that step yet, the position of Deputy Director of the Tribunal was not far off.

"Cough, cough..."