Chapter 84: The Flower of Revenge

In response, there was a furious roar from the bear.

The Skeleton Hunter began to run, heading in the opposite direction of the bear.

Bowmen, who aren't good at melee combat, naturally resorted to hit-and-run tactics.

Compared to the Rangers' retreat speed, the bear's charge was like a train coming head-on. The distance between them was shortening, and just as the fragile bones were about to meet with the bear's paw, the hunters took flight.

That was the first impression in their minds. When you saw those Rangers grabbing vines, lifting off the ground, then swinging through the bushes with the momentum of their sprint, their swift figures and casual postures, there was no better word to describe it than low-altitude flight.

The counterattack began.

The bear tore through the annoying plants before it and sharp arrows, like venomous snakes, struck from concealed corners, targeting the bear's wounded flesh, right at its solitary eye.