Chapter 90 Sea of Holy Light

"Revelation," Andrey said, "is an oracle. It is the vision shown by the Holy Light to a certain believer, which may be a display predicting the future or a portrayal of some symbolic, virtual things, yes, just like the dreams we have experienced. Those chosen believers naturally possess personal traits worthy of the Holy Light's praise. Of course, Mr. Plague Doctor, yours are quite obvious, as you are a Purifier, which is akin to a child of the Holy Light. The revelation serves a prophetic function and carries warnings, but we believe more firmly that it is a symbol of one being recognized by the Holy Light. Destiny is always elusive; instead of harboring fears over a potential future, why not live in the present."

"What did your revelation show you?"

"A sea of golden liquid; every droplet infused with a reassuring sanctity. And a bizarre black giant, bathed within the liquid; the mere sight of it filled me with dread."

"And what about the sky above that sea? What was it like?"