Chapter 171: The Crimson Courtyard

Like the embracing arms of a pair of giants, the high walls blanketed in ancient grapevines cradled the spired building in their hold. The surrounding vegetation, diminutive in its shadow, still left a tranquil atmosphere in the hearts of Lyle and the others.

The diminutive servant had been silent all the way, as if his previously comical extroversion was merely a disguise, like a puppet carrying out commands. Lyle and company arrived at the castle gates, the castle's shadow looming over them, casting a shadow in their hearts as well.

The sound of the wooden gates opening was like an ugly old cat stretching out its claws to scratch at your heart.

Lyle swallowed hard, for at this moment, it felt like the beginning of a horror film.

The laughter and clamor that then came from behind the door made Lyle think his earlier thoughts were quite ridiculous.