Chapter 176 Unlucky You

Evil God, a deity of wickedness.

When Heinz uttered this word, it was as if he had spoken a taboo.

Fannila bit her lip softly, Karen's face wore an expression of solemnity and unease, William was deep in thought, Kevin showed no change, and Eliane... you couldn't see Eliane.

As for Lyle, unbelievably, he only felt it was ridiculous. The term "Evil God" might have been mentioned too many times by Nia at his side, saying that she would grow up to be an Evil God. Therefore, whenever Lyle heard the word, he could only think of Nia and the Light Bat lying in a pile of cheese.

"Is this Evil God... very frightening?" Kevin looked around at everyone and posed his question.

Everyone displayed a conflicted look, for the Evil God was only mentioned in passing in the hidden corners of ancient books. What they knew was tied only to various ominous phrases.

Kevin turned to Heinz, the most learned among them, but he remained silent.

"You don't need to know."