Easter Egg Chapter: Wine of the Moon_2


On your left, a vast emptiness prevailed, so barren that not even the soil was present, only circular pits nearly a hundred square meters in diameter.

On your right stood a slew of miscellaneous pipelines of various sizes and types, some familiar and some not, all converging toward the black tower that was diagonally embedded in the ground at the center.

Behind you raged a sandstorm. But describing it as a mere sandstorm didn't quite capture it; you envisioned a dozen dust devils playing bumper cars.

At that moment, a spirited fellow of your kind clambered out of a pit.

He had pitch-black palms, and below his breastbone, the spine that connected to the pelvis had vanished, replaced instead by a black sphere.

You hadn't a clue what it was, nor were you interested.

But this person seemed quite interested in you.

"You're the newcomer, right? Did Apocalypse boss send you here?"