Chapter 179: The Secret Room

Duke of Hamlet's remaining pool of blood had gone unnoticed, that substance being corrosive, it etched irregular pits into the ground. The branch of withered power that Heinz had conjured turned into a white tendril that fulfilled its mission and dissipated in the air.

Lyle wanted to reverse the Spine Wheel, but found to his surprise that the huge contraption had jammed into the wall. Broken chunks of stone trapped in its gaps, preventing it from moving an inch. Ahead of the pointed bone spikes, in a narrow crack between the wall's corner and the bone, Kevin crawled out unscathed.

That was true luck.

Dusting himself off, Kevin looked at the great wheel that had almost claimed his life just moments before.

"So this is the proper way to use this torture device? Lyle, when you took it out before, were you actually trying to trap us?"

"No, the Spine Wheel is just a mode of transportation, but as you know, all good things tend to be dangerous."