Chapter 233 Carrier Host Kurona

The Vengeance Witch had a very strong sense of collectivism, just as they vehemently pursued harsh honors. This was also one of the reasons they could immerse themselves in revenge. Now, the unity of the Vengeance Witches manifested in the mockery of their opponents. As Sesela's words ended, the Witches surrounding her joined their Witch Mother in laughter, like crows cawing over a field of wheat.

Lily did not make any unnecessary gestures, as if the laughter around her was no more than the buzzing of mosquitoes by her ear. Her gaze was cold, straightforwardly staring back at Sesela.

"Sesela, Lily is the Witch Mother of the Witch of Death, and she is naturally one of us. She is certainly qualified to listen to our meeting. Moreover, her presence at a gathering with the Vengeance Witches represents, does it not, the intent of the one behind you?" Vinny pointed at the cat's nest on the stone throne, reminding of the changes within the Vengeance Witches.