Chapter 289: Andrey Executive Committee

"So... I've won, haven't I," Gurellia leaned back against William, her messy wheat-colored curls intertwining with William's blond hair. Gurellia toyed with William's blonde ponytail, her cheeks flushed like the evening glow, "You rejected Fannila, and chose me..."

A stomachache contorted William's face. It had come, nevertheless, one must be honest with the girl one likes.

"No, it's a 'win-win.'"

"?" Gurellia sat up straight, suddenly filled with energy, she walked in front of William and looked down at him with a puzzled expression. His face bore the crimson tint of strife.

"What do you mean?"

William looked up at the Jade-faced Rakshasa in front of him, feeling forced to painstakingly relay his conversation with Fannila.

Thirty minutes later.

"So, it's like that, is it?" Gurellia seemed to have her energy sapped away once again, squatting in defeat in front of William.