Chapter 295: The Dean's Office

The dean's office was in a solitary tower within the Andrei Castle. It might have been one of the quietest places in Andrei, as not many liches passed by here.

The tower was hollow, with a stone spiral staircase embedded along the inner edge of the cylindrical wall, but compared to the central void, it was as small as scales adorning a dragon's body, barely allowing two people to pass side by side.

Thankfully, there were side rails; otherwise, Lyle would not dare step on the seemingly dangerous stairs.

The entire tower's architectural style was a "dismantling style." True to its name, it was very easy to dismantle. Lyle even wondered how it hadn't collapsed already.

The stairs underfoot had one end embedded in the wall, with the other exposed to the air, connected by a railing as slender as a piece of fine art.

With just one step, Lyle felt the stone staircase tilt beneath his foot.